Teaching experiences
Teaching assistant
- Introduction to Bioinformatics, University of Lausanne, Apr-May 2022.
- Introduction to UNIX, University of Zurich, Sept. 2022.
- Introduction to Python, University of Zurich, Sept. 2022.
- Convex optimisation, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2016-2018.
- Stochastic process, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2016-2018.
- Digital signal processing, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2016-2018.
Intensive practical genome sequencing course,
University of Konstanz, Germany, 27 March. 2024. Workshop instructor.
Biodiversity bioinformatics,
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Switzerland 30 Aug. 2023. Teaching assistant.
Reviews in Quantitative Biology,
University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Nov. 2022. Guest Lecturer.
Gene expression analysis using GEO2R,
Yazd, Iran. Nov. 2021. Workshop instructor.
Introduction to DNA data analysis,
Yazd, Iran. Nov. 2021. Workshop instructor.
- R programming. University of Tehran, Iran, 2020. Workshop instructor.
- Bioinformatics. University of Tehran, Iran, 2020. Guest Lecturer.
- Wireless Communications. Sadra University, Iran, 2017. Lecturer.
- Mathematics 1, Nahavand University, Iran, 2016. Lecturer.